As of June, 2008 an 'ACT2' version was announced and demo songs were uploaded. 'ACT2' was basically an upgrade to the voice banks, plus it felt cleaner. On July 18th, 2008 ACT2 released and it began to sell instead of ACT1. Those who already purchased ACT1 would recieve a chance to get the update to the voice banks for free. Though it is possible to entirely replace ACT1, it's recommended to have both voices available by hand.

While the voice was the main change, the design was slightly changed too:


Design wise

ACT2's design worked as a slight change for their clothes and also a correction on the drawing (for example, the hair/face part is obviously different) but besides that:

  • The sleeve's equalizator is colored blue (whereas ACT1's is green)
  • The yellow border on the shirt
  • There's an "ACT2" written on the headphones
  • There should also be an 'ACT2' below his number on his right shoulder

Some fun facts:

  • Len's 02 number, as stated before, is supposedly on his right shoulder (since Rin has it on her left arm like a normal Vocaloid, it makes sense for Len to have it on the other side). His number is not usually shown on the package design, yet KEI has drawn it on that side:

Took from Hatsune Mix
*Note: As the name says, Maker Hikoushiki Hatsune Mix is not an official Vocaloid manga, but KEI draws it and he does have the rights to the character's design.

  • Len's design has always had some kind of wire on his left boot, and while KEI usually draws it when drawing Len, it's not usually drawn by everybody else. The funny thing is that even with merchandising it isn't added.
  • On the first rough sketches of his design he looked almost identical to Rin:

Took from the Unofficial Vocaloid Artbook by KEI
Well.. that must have hurt.

  • The musical symbol Len carries on his clothes is the bass clef. This clef is used to indicate a low pitch while the treble clef (the one Rin has) is for a higher one. If you take a look at a piano you'll realize that low tones are by the left side, another hint at Len's name. More info about the Bass/F clef is located in the wikipedia article.




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This fanlisting and layout are made/maintained by Hikusa Rockgirl X, Kagamine Len is copyright YAMAHA/Crypton, This site is merely a fan site, no profit is intended.