About this fanlisting

'Try your best!' was approved by TAFL during August, 2008, and was later on approved by TFL under the Computer Miscellany & Internet category.

Why the name? Well, no personality is given to the characters of the software [just character design and voice], but one of the impressions I have always had about this character (because he's a singer) is one of a young boy with dreams to be reached. And since he comes with a package of two characters (Rin is the principal part of the CV series), him being her boy's version makes it a little difficult to shine by himself. At the same time, one of his most iconic songs is Ikerenka (イケ恋歌) by LeleleP (even though it is mainly directed to the girl's fanbase the theme is similar), and well, this webmistress writing here has a special affection for Ganbarouyo (頑張ろうよ) by ToraborutaP.

Special thanks to NicoNicoHorizon for beta-testing my english during the creation of this website!



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This fanlisting and layout are made/maintained by Hikusa Rockgirl X, Kagamine Len is copyright YAMAHA/Crypton, This site is merely a fan site, no profit is intended.